Non-dairy milks are full of thickeners, stabilizers, gums, and oils. The one ingredient in cows milk? Milk.

School Project




Because You Deserve the Real Thing

When you're popular, there are always going to be people who try to copy what you do. But no one can do it better than us. Cow’s milk is for the ones who want more out of life. The ones who want to explore, to thrive, to live life to the fullest. Buying non-dairy milk is like not jumping out of the airplane on a skydiving trip or watching a concert through a phone screen. It’s only half the experience. We are here to offer you the front row tickets to your favorite band, the thrill of the jump, the satisfaction of knowing that you’re getting the most out of life. We don’t cut corners and we only offer the best. Because we did it first, we know what it takes.